[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Image Size:L (7360 x 4912), FX
4/2/2022 16:08:44.70
Time Zone and Date:UTC-5, DST:ON
Lossless Compressed RAW (14-bit)
Artist:J Scott Johnson   Indianapolis,IN   
Nikon D800E
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ISO Sensitivity:ISO 100
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Security Means Good PC Source

Problem / Opportunity:

An investment firm acquired a compounder of Polycarbonate. The investment was made to create a platform company and grow the footprint. To achieve growth, more post-consumer content was required at acceptable prices.  PC, specifically post-consumer PC is in high demand and short supply. They contacted Butler MacDonald to buy PC. We suggested they were looking for PC both in the wrong form and place. Buying cleaned PC requires competing with others and paying higher prices. However, if they changed their approach, Butler MacDonald could produce the material.

Impact on Customer:

Without additional sources of PC, growth by increasing post-consumer PC content in compounded products could take much longer, or not be realized. Further, the ongoing shortage of PC and ever rising prices could prevent them from maintaining customers who also had rising demands. With a Butler MacDonald solution, goals could be achieved.

Butler-MacDonald’s Solution:

Two solutions were offered.  Option 1, Butler MacDonald sources material containing PC in the raw unrecovered state, recovers the PC and sell it to this customer. Option 2, this customer to goes to market and source these same materials. Butler then provides the “service” of separating the material to recover the hotly desired post-consumer PC. Under Option 2, we provide additional value by providing analysis of potential streams prior to purchase. This way they are in a better position to know what to buy, what the recovery potential is and how much to pay.

The pictures shown of electronic point of sale security boxes are made of both ABS and Polycarbonate, which also include metals and other foreign materials. Butler provides the complex separation to both the PC and ABS.


While both options are in play, under Option 2, as a compounder of PC that routinely sells to makers of products with PC, they are also in a position to find sources of PC that are still in their unrecovered state. The cost to recover the PC and ABS is less than having to compete and pay for the material in the recovered state. In this case, the same company also compounds ABS, so this was a true win/win scenario.

Let Butler-MacDonald create a solution for you – call us today.
