Foil Lined Closures: Green is In
Problem / Opportunity:
A closure manufacturer was not able to reuse scrap closures because of the foil lining. They did not want to grind the scrap closures and introduce foil into the system. They tried other recyclers that do grinding, extrusion, melt filtering and pelletizing in the past, but the effort resulted in residual foil that plugged the gates in the mold. Moreover, the metal detector fired constantly. The manufacturer’s belief was that the foil lined closures could not be recycled to a purity acceptable to their quality standards. With the green color being a special color, color sort had to be maintained to assure an ongoing match.
Butler-MacDonald has the ability to remove aluminum foil from plastic to a quality level that manufacturers can use – our time tested experience allows us to guarantee the result. This confidence level and our reputation enabled us to work closely with the closure manufacturer to develop a recovery solution. It all started with a pilot production run to prove the recyclability of the foil lined closures. The reprocessed resin was subjected to both durability and aesthetic testing. The lab approved the sample and the recycling program was launched.
Benefit to the Customer:
Butler-MacDonald provides a trailer for storage and the transportation so the customer does not have to concern themselves with the logistics. The closure manufacturer was able to reclaim the foil lined closures and reduce material costs by 30%.
The closure manufacturer trusted us with all aspects of the plastic recycling program – so should you. Call us.